Hi, my name is

Steve Lanuit

I can read and write computer code

Passionate about software architecture, software design, graphics programming and agile principles.

About Me

I have been a professional developer for about 19 years and a scrum master for about 4 years.

I worked for 13 years in hospitals and the healthcare industry then I helped set up a startup (1 year as a freelancer, complementary activity) to then work in this startup as a lead developer and scrum master. Throughout my career, I had the opportunity to build several software from scratch, to make technological choices, to advise managers and to support projects in their life cycle.

Passionate about software architecture, software design, graphics programming and agile principles.

Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:
Azure Devops
Material UI
Microsoft Azure
SQL Server
Unity 3D
Visual Studio
VS Code


Lead Software Developer and Scrum Master - Touch Reality
Feb 2017 - present
  • Recruited dev team members (up to 20 people working in feature teams).
  • Set up the scrum framework, coached teams, managers.
  • Facilitated scrum workshops (daily, sprint planning, sprint review, retrospective).
  • Organized workshops allowing managers to decide together on the product roadmap.
  • Led the technical workshops.
  • Added many features to the Tangible 3D kitchen design tool.
  • Designed a 3D catalog generator to quickly integrate products and materials from kitchen and worktops manufacturers (created a scripting language – CGL).
  • Designed a multi-tenant 3D kitchen planning web tool allowing kitchen shops to integrate a planner into their website.
  • Migrated the entire solution to Azure Cloud.
  • Built various bi-directional connectors to third party systems.
  • Fixed customer issues.
  • Worked 100% remote since 2020.
Freelance Software Developer - Touch Reality
Oct 2015 - Feb 2017
  • Worked as a freelancer, as a complementary activity, evenings and weekends to design the software allowing the startup Touch Reality to launch on the market.
  • Designed a co-creation tool (customer - seller) on a tangible tabletop allowing a 3D kitchen design experience using physical furniture miniature.
  • Designed sales management software connected to the tangible table (cloud based).
IT Project Manager - ISoSL
April 2016 - Feb 2017
  • Coordinated the dev team (4 people)
  • Planned, coordinated and monitored various medical and care software projects modules (electronic medical prescription, nursing process…).
  • Planned, coordinated and monitored legal compliance and data connections to healthcare platforms (federal ehealth platform, RSW - Walloon Health Network).
  • Wrote specifications, needs analyses for care services.
  • Actively participated in the development of software solutions.
Senior Software Developer - ISoSL
June 2008 - April 2016
  • Designed an electronic health record software for the ISoSL psychiatry department (2 hospitals, 51 care units, +1700 users).
  • Designed and integrated the scanning of paper files into the electronic patient file.
  • Designed intuitive patient flow software linked to billing software and care units. Deployed this software in 4 hospitals of the ISoSL group.
  • Developed reports and legal exports of patient data for federal statistics (RPM, DI-RHM).
  • Developed software to centralize scanning of incoming paper mail for administrative services.
  • Developed other internal software for the IT department.
  • Trained new developers.
  • Trained users and trained trainers on the software designed.
  • Fixed customer issues.
Software Developer - CHP
April 2004 - June 2008
  • Designed an electronic health record software for the CHP care services (1 hospital, 14 care units).
  • Developed a therapeutic formulary management software for Belgian hospital pharmacies in partnership with the CBIP (Belgian Center for Phamacotherapeutic Information).
  • Continued the software produced during my end-of-study work : a 3D therapeutic serious game helping the cognitive revalidation of patients. (Studies and scientific publications have been carried out by the CHP and the neuropsychology unit of the University of Liège).
  • Fixed customer issues.
  • Trained users.


2001 - 2004
Bachelor, Information Technology
Haute Ecole de la Province de Liège, Rennequin Sualem
highest honors

Specialization: industrial computing - digital image processing

2004 :

  • Imagine Cup 2004 Competitor
  • Took part in the international software design contest organized by Microsoft – Imagine Cup.
  • Won the first place at the Benelux.
  • Flew to Brazil to participate in the world final (40 countries) and I finished 5th in the world.
Certified ScrumMaster® (CSM®)
Scrum Alliance, Inc.
Certified Scrum Product Owner® (CSPO®)
Scrum Alliance, Inc.

Get in Touch

My inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I’ll try my best to get back to you!